
Foreword : Unleash The Beauty! 2012 Newest Campaign

In Special article on September 13, 2011 at 1:17 pm

My Thought, whadaya think?


Jakarta, Sept 13 2011

with Acer

Some thought just came to my mind. Changing myself from an ordinary boy(man) to become the beautiful one (OK we called it as a cute boy (man)). OK, there is no smoke without fire. The thought came from someone who suggests others to change themselves rather than complaining in mirror. OK It is not all the reason. I decide to write these entry after seeing photos of korean actors. Feeling a bit envy about their charm, sexy, and cool “attitude” (OK we called it as appearance).

So why I have to think about it. I do really need that change, don’t I? It’s supposed to be YES, because I am getting old and my appearance isn’t as cute as when I was teenager.

This change will attract others to see you. Do you really need to be attractive? OK Somehow I just think that being attractive is not bad at all. I guess it would double my change to be more stunning or at least more convenience (easier) to be seen among others.

So this changing is about fashion or clothes, isn’t it ? I was wondering it would be more than that. Recently I believe there are two ways to be more attractive : in verbal ways and appearance.

In verbal ways, I have to be more intelligent, I do believe the intelligent speaker is the best listener. According to that I have to be update in recent news, information, issues, etc, get the momentum and serve it on my own hot-plate. So Channel Youtube.com, blog, sites will be the media of this changing. (OF COURSE soon I will have my own channel, blog(done), and site).

In appearance, my fashion should be more representative. It should reflect the strong, calm, cool, soft, young, fresh of me. Unfortunately I am so bad in this stuff, I do believe I need styler . Huft. Let’s skip this parts ( OF COURSE soon I will re – think about it).

Why does it sound so pop culture? LOL. Hey This is not joke. Many people have started their own pop culture and yes, this is POP culture. But I will keep it in a good way, so it won’t be too much.


I’m Officially Back : The New Chapter of Student Life

In Special article on September 10, 2011 at 4:27 am

Jakarta, September 10 2011

Home with Acer


Hi All!

I’ve decided to publish my journey, share my idea, and write my story HERE, so stay tuned!

Quick Guide :

1. Always check ‘the about page‘. I’m updating my profile there, so u can really know what i want to DO to MAKE my own profile happen.

2. Faster search by finding articles in their categories. I promise it will be more and more articles  published.

3. Read the articles and get your own profile. Studying is Never Faster


Road to Mid-test @ 2nd Semester

In Lecture on May 24, 2011 at 1:56 pm

I’m still in Jakarta with my old Acer notebook.

Chapter 1 : Something’s called as PREPARATION

This week will be the last week before getting mid-test at 2nd semester.  Here it is,  my preparation :

1. Collecting all lecture notes. 🙂

2. Finishing all homework. 😥

3. Reading all the chapters from handbooks and notes.  *being a nerd

4. Getting lot of exercises. Practice makes perfect 😛

*Trance music is on.

Chapter 2 : Something’s called as Dream

My dream in this semester, i will get all A*. It means i will get 4.0 (4.o GPA Scale) and it will cover my bad from previous semester. kyaaaaaaaa LOL

Chapter 3 : Something’s called as Strategy

What is strategy ? Here it is strategy quote :

‘To  create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focus on the smallest detail’ (Giorgio Armani).

Since i know my aim (dream) is exceptional, so in my case, what the detail is all about. Hmm…hmm…hmm… ^_^

Friend of mine said it was better to have a clear handwriting in the test.

Ya ya ya, Haha, he he he,  we know that most of our lecturers are old. Ok so we start from that point, then?